Land's Sake offers programming for local libraries and schools around the Metrowest and Boston area. Our programs often include stories, animal visits, crafts, and access to small farm equipment and tools.
If you are interested in having a Land's Sake Educator at your local library, preschool, elementary school, or organization, please contact for more information.
Programs are capped at 30 participants per session. Each session is $175, and there is a $1/mile transportation charge, based on each round trip from the farm at 90 Wellesley Street, Weston MA. We are happy to provide scholarships for both program and transportation costs.
Please note that due to our animals' busy schedule, we cannot offer offsite chicken, rabbit, or duck programs on weekends.
Length: 45 minutes
Availability: Year-round
Ages: Preschool - 2nd Grade
In Person:
Learn about the rabbits that we raise at Land’s Sake. This program includes a rabbit-themed story time, learning about rabbit behavior and anatomy, and a rabbit themed game. The highlight of the program is the Bunny Circle, where youth are able to touch and interact with live rabbits.
Virtual Option: Zoom with Rabbits!
Meet our fuzzy bunnies through the camera! Watch rabbits hop around while listening to a rabbit-themed story. Learn all about rabbit adaptations and habitats, and try your hand at drawing your own rabbit!
Length: 45 minutes
Availability: Year-round
Ages: Preschool - 2nd Grade
In Person:
Get up close and personal with chickens! This program includes a chicken-themed story time and educational games about chicken behavior and anatomy.The highlight of the program is the Chicken Circle, where youth are able to touch and interact with live chickens.
Virtual Option: Zoom with Chickens!
Get an up close view of some of our feathered friends! Featuring a livestream of chickens and a farmer, a chicken-themed story line, a short chicken lesson, and a chicken drawing activity!
Length: 45 minutes
Availability: Year-round
Ages: Preschool - 2nd Grade
In Person:
Meet our swimming, quacking friends! This program includes a duck-themed story time, learning about duck behavior and anatomy, and a duck themed game. The highlight of the program is the Duck Circle, where youth are able to touch and interact with live ducks.
Length: 45 minutes
Availability: Year-round
Ages: Preschool - 5th Grade
In Person:
Learn about our soil helping friends! This program features a worm-themed story, a dirt making activity in which we learn about composting and soil composition, and the chance to play with real live worms from the farm's vermi-composter.
Length: 45 minutes
Availability: September - December
Ages: Preschool - 2nd Grade
In Person:
Learn about how farmers and gardeners save seeds for the winter. This program includes a story that shows the seed-saving process and the opportunity to save seeds from crops grown at the farm. Students decorate seed envelopes to take the seeds that they save home, and can plant them to grow their own flowers and vegetables.
Length: 45 minutes
Availability: February - March
Ages: Preschool - 2nd Grade
In Person:
Learn about the local tradition of turning maple sap into maple syrup. This program includes a maple sugaring themed story time, opportunities to touch and explore the tools we use to make maple syrup, and the chance to use hand drills to tap a demonstration log. Learn history, science, social studies, and a new skill, all in one program.
Virtual Option: Maple Sugaring Online
Too cold to leave home? You can still learn all about the sap to syrup process. We'll provide a short lesson on tree identification, a movement activity about sap flow, and a photo tour of our sugaring operation.