
Local Firewood from Weston Forests

Since the early 1980s, Land’s Sake has provided a model for small-scale, sustainable forestry.

Firewood Harvesting 

Each winter Land's Sake farmers work in the forests of local Weston Conservation lands, harvesting wood for firewood that is sold to local residents.
In the winter months, the farm crew spend many cold winter days in the woods harvesting specifically marked trees on Weston’s Conservation lands. Winter is often considered the best time for harvesting wood because the trees are dormant and the frozen ground minimizes soil compaction from heavy machinery. Our farm crew is trained and skilled at felling trees, skidding logs, and bucking, splitting, and stacking the wood that becomes next winters' firewood. Working with Weston’s Conservation department, select trees are marked for cutting. These trees are typically older or less healthy, leaving the majority of the forest intact. By removing only select trees, there is less disruption, allowing for better wildlife habitat, soil protection, and water quality.  This collaboration with the Weston Conservation Commission reflects Land's Sake's mission to connect people to the land and inspire the responsible stewardship of local woodlands.

We also tap 300-400 sugar maple trees throughout the winter, and produce our very own maple syrup with the help of volunteers and students in our After-School Maple program. Through these programs, we engage residents of Weston with the often overlooked Town woods, creating a new appreciation for this precious and protected resource. Be sure to join us for our Sugaring Off Festival on March 22, where you can taste the first maple syrup of the season and meet our forestry crew!

Firewood will be available for purchase in fall 2025.

2024 Pricing & Delivery

  • Half Cord: $300
  • Delivery: Free for Weston Residents / $60 outside Weston.  Delivery October-December. Wood is delivered with a dump truck.
  • Moving/Stacking: $100/hr. extra for services beyond dumping.  One-hour minimum charge applies.
  • Cancellations: Firewood orders are refundable until October 1, less a processing fee.

Check out this video of our 2015 Forestry crew harvesting firewood. Thank you to Weston Media for producing the video.

Sugaring-Off Festival

After-School Programs

Maple Syrup Production