Kelly Cammerota

123 posts

Last Call for Tomatoes!

Summer seems to be leaving Land’s Sake just as it came this year – abruptly. Though dusk now falls before closing time, the farm stand is offering what is perhaps the most eclectic produce array of the season. For perhaps this one last week, our farmers are still harvesting summer […]

Eggplant: A Fairy Tale on your Fork

Our Land’s Sake farmers this week culled dramatic hues of Amethyst, Garnet, and Onyx. Sometimes called Aubergines abroad, we know these beauties as the far less romantic ‘Eggplant.’ Unlike other Nightshade species, eggplant are quite edible, and nutritious too. While no one nutrient dominates its profile, eggplant provide a variety […]

Farm Nightmares: All About Late Blight

Days like today — wet, cold, and windy — keep farmers up at night. Early in the season, a rainy day is welcomed; a good rain can re-hydrate a field, warm the frost from the soil, and cut down on the farm’s water consumption for new transplants. Later in the season, though, […]

Fresh Sweet Corn Maple Cornbread

Land’s Sake gets our corn from Brigham Farms every morning right after it has been picked. It’s a real treat to be able to get corn that’s picked so fresh, because as soon as corn comes off the stalk, the sugars start turning into starches. This is the reason most […]

Notes from the Field: CSA Week 8

The end of July is a time of transition for New England farms. Cooler weather crops like bok choi can’t handle the summer heat, so we won’t be seeing them again until the fall, but heat-loving favourites like tomatoes and eggplant are still just starting to trickle in. Those of […]

Notes from the Field: CSA Week 7

And in the blink of an eye, July is both here, and almost gone. Summer on the farm reminds me sometimes of hosting a busy dinner party – very fun, but requiring your constant attention and preparation. Do we have enough of this seed and that green? How will our […]