
36 posts

A Vision of Community Farming

This week marked a new beginning for long-time Board of Directors member Ned Rossiter. After almost thirty years of serving the Land’s Sake community, Ned was inducted as our very first Emeritus Board Member. He generously shares his view of how the farm operates today in the short piece below, […]

Farm Nightmares: All About Late Blight

Days like today — wet, cold, and windy — keep farmers up at night. Early in the season, a rainy day is welcomed; a good rain can re-hydrate a field, warm the frost from the soil, and cut down on the farm’s water consumption for new transplants. Later in the season, though, […]

Notes from the Field: CSA Week 8

The end of July is a time of transition for New England farms. Cooler weather crops like bok choi can’t handle the summer heat, so we won’t be seeing them again until the fall, but heat-loving favourites like tomatoes and eggplant are still just starting to trickle in. Those of […]

Notes from the Field: CSA Week 7

And in the blink of an eye, July is both here, and almost gone. Summer on the farm reminds me sometimes of hosting a busy dinner party – very fun, but requiring your constant attention and preparation. Do we have enough of this seed and that green? How will our […]

Notes from the Field: CSA Week 6

As of today, we have 47 different crops in various stages of growth at the farm. Some of those crops are further subdivided into different varieties: we grow over 20 different types of tomatoes alone! Some of these crops we’re currently harvesting for your share; some, like tomatoes,a eggplant, and […]

Get Out in the Fields this Saturday!

We’re looking for volunteers to come help us get our front Pick-Your-Own field ready! It’s in serious need of a big mulching, and we’re in serious need of some extra hands. Come to the farm on Saturday at 11 AM in closed-toed shoes for our mulching party!

Notes from the Field: CSA Week 5

Two weeks past the solstice and I still find myself reflecting upon it. The longest day of the year marks so many transitions on the farm that superficially seem to have little to do with it, and yet our daily tasks have subtly shifted. From relentless greenhouse seeding and transplanting, […]

Notes from the Field: CSA Week 4

Since I began farming I’ve noticed that my sense of hearing has become more acute. With our heads bent, often focused on the task at hand, be it hand weeding carrots, navigating a narrow pass with the tractor or focusing on bunching greens, my eyes are often drawn downward, and […]