Weston Police Station Community Room, April 9th from 7-8:30pm, as we provide an overview of successes and challenges in 2023 and discuss recent improvements and plans for 2024.
Event Details
Weston Police Station Community Room, April 9th from 7-8:30pm, as we provide an overview of successes and challenges in 2023 and discuss recent improvements and plans for 2024.
Focus: Expanded Education Programs
Join us at our Annual Meeting on April 9th, to hear about the evolution of the farm’s education offerings over the last 44 years, and our renewed commitment to our mission: fostering environmental stewards through local food, hands-on educational programs, and community gatherings. We’ll meet in the Weston Police Station Community Room at 7:00PM. After a brief business meeting to vote in new board members, Land’s Sake Education Manager Katrina Goldowsky-Dill will reflect on Land’s Sake’s educational history and discuss planned expansion of our educational programs.