Friday Farm Workshop: Farm 2 Table @ Home with Katrina

11jun5:30 pm6:30 pmFriday Farm Workshop: Farm 2 Table @ Home with KatrinaSalad Dressings & Marinades

Event Details

Member $25/ Non-Member $35

Farm to Table is trendy, but it doesn’t have to be complicated! Come harvest, taste, and assemble as we learn simple tricks and recipes that will spice up every meal. Everyone is welcome: we will learn from each other and use simple tricks to create incredible flavors.

Come try your hand at making your own salad dressings and marinades! We’ll taste and pair herbs, natural sweeteners, and learn about different dressing techniques, and design our own mixtures, to be tested with Land’s Sake lettuce and then taken home to dress your table.




June 11, 2021 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm(GMT-05:00)


Land's Sake Farm

90 Wellesley St.

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