Our greenhouse is now filled with a rainbow of curing winter squash!
Best carrot ever!Livingston supervises hand-weeding in the brassicas. This was our cauliflower planting back in late August.Farmer Laura spreading onions out in our greenhouse in early/mid-August. Here, they will cure (dry out) for a couple of weeks before we start cleaning and selling them.Emily and Linda are our veteran Tuesday harvest helpers. They have worked here longer than any of the farmers! Here they are cleaning onions last week.Ah, September…all crisp blue skies and apples. We make weekly trips to Carlson Orchards in Harvard, MA, to get our apples for the farm stand. This particular day I had to wait for my order, so I snapped some photos and bought some cider donuts for the farm crew.One of the best parts of my job is walking the fields to see what work needs to be done and to find out what crops are ready, or nearly ready, for harvest. This Sunday’s was a particularly exciting walk, especially in our northern fields. Left to right: Daikon radishes, sweet potatoes and popping corn. And a turkey feather.Steph with our newly strung twinkle lights.Ned, our favorite painter, putting a few coats of sealant on the endwalls of our greenhouse yesterday. Thanks Ned!A Brandeis student learning to sort tomatoes on Monday. He and his 15 or so classmates helped us to pick 1300 pounds of tomatoes in record time.Greens are back! Here is a CSA member choosing from: dinosaur kale, white russian kale, rainbow chard, bok choy, Vitamin Green and Tokyo Bekana. Yum!