Just as the snow began to fall late last Thursday afternoon, Hilary, Stephanie and I completed our large planting of peas and fava beans.
As far as cultivated, annual crops that are grown here in the Northeast go, fava plants grow from what are the Clydesdale of seeds. Far too enormous to fit through the largest holes in our push seeders, we planted them by hand, almost one by one. I’ve never planted favas before, but have heard rave reviews from farmer friends about their tastiness. I can’t wait to try ’em in a couple of months. It sounds like they are delicious grilled, per the suggestion of my favorite vegetable recipe blogger, Heidi Swanson, over at 101cookbooks.

We planted shelling peas, along with the more popular snap and snow varieties. Sixteen beds total, plus the favas. It was a great way to end a week, with the three of us converging on a field to complete a full planting of something that we all are looking forward to so much, with the knowledge that we had accomplished quite a bit that week tucked in the back of our heads.

Check out our **BRAND NEW TRACTOR** at work, pulling a disc harrow in the big Green Power field. In case my capitalized letters and asterisks aren’t enough of a hint to you readers, a new tractor is a very exciting thing to a farmer, indeed. We got about 5 acres disced up in Green Power on Thursday with the new 75 horsepower, green and yellow beauty. The area we disced is where we are going to plant our early brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, kale, etc.), our large onion planting, and some quick spring cover crops in preparation for the many crops that we will be growing in that field this season.
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Spring is all kinds of exciting, as it tends to be, what with all of the waking up, growing, and brightening in color that is happening.

Our greenhouse gets greener by the day, and we actually have no more space for new trays of plants to be set out, and won’t have anymore until we pull some trays out to harden off early next week. Also, check it out–our garlic is poking through its straw blanket.

Happy April!
Melanie Hardy, Farm Manager