Sometimes photos say it best. A visual stroll through the past few months at the farm.
Reskinning, aka putting new plastic on the greenhouse. It is a task that needs to happen about every five years, and our greenhouse was overdue for new plastic. So we sent an email out to the farming community to recruit helpers, made a big ol' pot of soup, and set out to get the job done one February day. Photo by Doug.We got our greenhouse plastic up just in the nick of time. A week later, we seeded our onions and about two weeks after that, our onions looked like this. We used Vermont Compost Company for our greenhouse starts this year and are thrilled with the results. Our plants look far more vigorous and healthy than they have in the past.Onions are the first crop we seed in the greenhouse, but peas are the first seeds we plant directly in the soil. Here they are a couple of weeks ago, vibrant and lush despite the dry soil.Laura and Brett put the finishing touches on our NEW greenhouse(!!) during their first week at the farm. It is not totally complete (still needs electricity and heat) but we already have many planned uses for it this season, including curing our garlic, onions and winter squash.Hilary seeding tomatoes in the greenhouse.Ben and Steph checking out our new root washer on the day it was delivered. We are all so excited about this piece of equipment. It is going to revolutionize our vegetable washing process and it will mean cleaner carrots for everyone! Photo by Doug.Melanie explaining how to repair our irrigation system during a farm walk. We put our irrigation system out earlier than ever this year! Photo by Hil.Stephanie, our field manager, keeps close track of what is planted where and what is going where next.New farmer Laura's very first day operating the John Deere tractors.Brett cultivating some itty bitty greens on the G.Tidy rows of eggplant seedlings. These are being potted up into bigger containers as I type this!Plants are great to look at and all, but they can't compete with Doug and Megan's baby bunnies! We've been sneaking peeks at them on our weekly farm walks.